Kamis, 27 Juli 2017

Unlocked Moto Z2 Play is up for pre-order in the US, Verizon's model just $120 this weekend

The Moto Z2 Play has been available at Verizon since late June, so it's finally time for the unlocked model to make an appearance. This can now be pre-ordered directly from Motorola's online store. It is priced at $499.99 and will work on all major US carriers - AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, even Verizon. You can choose between black and gold, color-wise. Note that the unlocked model comes with 64GB of built-in storage, twice the amount found in the Verizon-specific iteration of the smartphone. Speaking of which, coincidentally or not the carrier nicknamed Big Red has decided to run an insane...

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