Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Apple delays its truly wireless AirPods earbuds, October release not happening

At its big iPhone event in September, Apple also announced its first truly wireless earbuds, the AirPods. These were supposed to become available in "late October", as per the company's official materials. Well, it's late October now, and the AirPods still aren't in stock. And it turns out that's intentional.

Apple has chosen to delay the release of the AirPods somewhat, so don't expect them to be released by the end of this month. The company hasn't yet shared a new timeline for their launch, but hopefully they will be out in November. An Apple spokesperson told TechCrunch the following:

The early response to AirPods has been incredible. We don�t believe in shipping a product before it�s ready, and we need a little more time before AirPods are ready for our customers.

It's unclear what exact issues Apple has identified with the AirPods, whether they're hardware faults or software bugs. Anyway, if you've been anxiously anticipating the release of these earbuds, you'll have to find some more patience from this point on.

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