Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Google's Jamboard is an Android-powered 55-inch 4K whiteboard

Today Google is announcing a new device, which basically looks like its answer to Microsoft's Surface Hub. The latter is a touchscreen PC (available in two sizes, the smaller of which is 55") running Windows 10.

Google's offering is called Jamboard, and it's running Android. It's got a 55-inch 4K touchscreen, and will come with a special whiteboard app preinstalled. As with the Surface Hub, the Jamboard is aimed at businesses, in this case those who already use G Suite (that's what Google Apps are now called).

The screen can handle 16 simultaneous touch inputs, and comes with a stylus, a camera, Wi-Fi, and built-in speakers. G Suite users will be able to create "Jam" sessions on it, collaborating on documents, as well as drawing or typing over them while engaged in Hangouts calls. The Jamboard even lets you "wipe" off things from it with your fingers. Additional tools include sticky notes, stencils, and handwriting recognition. All that said, Google hasn't shared any details about the Jamboard's innards.

It can be mounted as a TV or used on a stand with wheels (that you can see in the images above). This will make moving it within your company hassle-free. The Jamboard will become available at some point next year for "under $6,000". That makes it significantly cheaper than Microsoft's Surface Hub, which starts at $8,999.

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